
Application Fee

The accreditation application fee for ABNS members is $750 for one examination-based, portfolio assessment certification program, or for assessment-based certificate (ABC) programs. The application fee for 2 – 5 examination-based or portfolio assessment certification programs is $1000 for ABNS members. 

The accreditation application fee for organizations that are not ABNS members will be $1000 per certification or certificate program submitted.

Effective January 2026, application fees will be modified as follows:

  • Single program submission will increase from $750 to $1000
  • Two to five (5) program submissions will increase from $1000 to $1250.

Accreditation Fee

Upon notification of initial approval, the applicant organization will pay annual accreditation fees within 60 days of receipt of notification of approval. Annual accreditation fees are based upon a formula using the number of certificants or certificate holders at year-end. The fees will be $0.40 for each of the first 25,000 certificants or certificate holders and $0.12 for each certificant or certificate holder over 25,000 and up to 75,000 and $.03 for each certificant or certificate holder over 75,000. The ABSNC fiscal year begins July 1.

Annual Accreditation Fee

Annual accreditation fees invoices are initially circulated on June 1. The deadline to submit fees is August 1. Fees received after this date must be accompanied by a $250 late fee. Fees not received by November 1 will result in termination of accreditation.

The formula for determining fees is computed using the number of certificants or certificate holders for the 12-month period ending June 30 of the current year:

  • $0.40 for each of the first 25,000 certificant or certificate holder 
  • $0.12 for each certificant or certificate holder over 25,000 and up to 75,000
  • $0.03 for each certificant or certificant holder of 75,001 or more.